Twitter vs Reddit fight about NFTs πŸ₯Š

All about Reddit, Apple and Meta

GM folks, this is Web3 Seems Legit, the weekly newsletter that gives you crypto talking points in 5 minutes or less, so you can always sound smart at the dinner table 😏.

In this issue, we're coving these latest web3 stories: 

  • Will Reddit lead NFTs to mass adoption? Months after the launch of the Reddit NFT avatars, it finally pumps and crypto Twitter is loving it.

  • Apple turns into a bad apple for NFTs. After imposing the 30% tax on NFTs last month, Apple has rolled out even stricter terms to regulate NFTs.

  • Is the Metaverse in trouble? Despite a loss of over $3.6 billion in Q3, Meta will continue to invest heavily in building the Metaverse. But the real trouble isn't really the money investment.

Will Reddit lead NFTs to mass adoption? 

Just a month ago, no one on crypto Twitter could care less about Reddit's new NFT avatar collection. In fact, they laughed at it. Now, it's all anyone on CT can talk about 🀦.

So why the sudden surge? Reddit's NFT avatars have remained relatively low-key since its initial launch in July. As part of their go-to-market strategy, Reddit intentionally made no mention of NFTs or blockchain. 

Turns out, while Twitter is a sanctuary for crypto lovers, Reddit is kind of the opposite.

Without even knowing, over 3 million Redditors were quietly ushered into NFTs and crypto Twitter is loving it because it proves that:

  • There is a demand for collectible NFTs, whether people want to admit it or not

  • For web3 to succeed, we have to get rid of buzzy crypto terminology

  • Web3 mass adoption can only happen when people don't realize that it's happening

With 1.5 billion registered Reddit users, NFT avatars are only the beginning for Reddit πŸ™Œ. 

Now...we should probably let Redditors know how NFTs work 🀷. 

Apple turns into the bad apple of NFTs

While Reddit embraces NFTs, Apple on the other hand isn't so welcoming.

A month ago, Apple announced that they would be charging 30% on in-app NFT purchases. Of course, many people weren't happy about the fee, but others were hopeful that Apple was allowing the use of NFTs in mobile apps πŸ‘. 

It was all fun and games until Apple introduced new terms this week: 

  • Users can't use NFTs to unlock in-app features unless the NFT was purchased through the App Store 🚩

  • Apps can't use external links to redirect users to purchase NFTs elsewhere 🚩

  • Only approved exchanges can facilitate crypto transactions (i.e. Coinbase) 🚩

All this just shows that Apple wants to take advantage of users by keeping NFTs in their ecosystem πŸ™…β€β™€οΈ. 

Crypto apps are now finding themselves in a bind and forced to pivot their products that won't work with the hefty 30% fee.

It's a double-edged sword. On one hand, Apple is showing that they want to work with NFTs, but only under their strict terms that benefit themselves. Corporate greed is one hell of a drug πŸ’Š.

Is the Metaverse in trouble?

If you thought only crypto was volatile, well think again 🫠. After Meta's quarterly earnings call, their stock took a -20% nose dive when revealed that Reality Labs, their metaverse division, lost over $3.6 billion in Q3. 

Since revealing their Metaverse platform (Horizon Worlds) earlier this year, Zuck has been at the center of heavy criticism and mockery because well...their Metaverse kind of sucks πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ. 

$15 billion later with no working legs, Zuck still stands by his investment in the Metaverse. In fact, despite the earnings loss, Zuck made it clear that he is going to continue to invest heavily in building the new virtual world.

As Zuck abandons investors for his own corporate interest, people are livid. Why is he continuing to pour money into something that's not working? 

Well, if you look at the bigger picture, the Metaverse isn't about "revolutionizing" remote work, it's much more than that πŸ€”. It's about building a digital heaven. 

It sounds cool until you realize that Zuck would be the creator of this man-made heaven. Now that's scary πŸ₯΄.

In other news πŸ—žοΈ

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