WAGMI πŸ’ͺ Crypto Remains Bullish

Some positive hopium to get you through these bearish times

Welcome to the midweek edition of Web3 Seems Legit. We're the weekly newsletter that gets you up to speed on the most interesting web3 news...because one day feels like a whole year in the crypto world.

If you're looking for some positive hopium, then you're in luck. We're happy to report that things have been going alright in crypto this week so far. Here's the tl;dr:

  • The ETH Merge is upon us. ETH's big move from PoW to PoS network is just around the corner and the market is in full speculation on the price action.

  • Mastercard expands crypto adoption with Binance. Soon, people will be able to spend crypto at over 90,000,000 Mastercard merchant stores. Probably nothing.

  • Pudgy Penguin NFT sells for 400 ETH. The NFT market is still hanging on with this penguin project taking the win against the bear market fight.

  • The BendDao crisis is averted...for now. In a span of a few days, this NFT lending protocol went from putting the whole market at risk to business-as-usual. Just another day in web3.

The ETH Merge is upon us

Mark your calendars folks. The devs have confirmed that the long awaited ETH Merge is scheduled for September 6th πŸ‘.

What does this mean though? The price action on ETH will be rocky in the days leading up to The Merge. Some say we're priced in, some think it'll plummet, while others are saddling up for the bull ride. Choose your own adventure 🫑.

Mastercard expands crypto adoption with Binance

Nothing cures a bear market than some good ol' bullish news βœ….

Pudgy Penguin NFT sells for 400 ETH

And the crazy purchase of the week goes to πŸ₯...a penguin jpeg for 400 ETH πŸ‘. Good buy or not? Whaddya think?

Either way, it's bullish news for the NFT market. Despite the bear that we're in, money is still flowing and NFT spirits are still up ✨.

The BendDao crisis is averted...for now

Never underestimate how fast the market can move. Just a few days ago, BendDao, an NFT lending protocol was experiencing a bank run and at risk of liquidating over $55 M worth of NFTs. Today, we're back to business-as-usual. WAGMI πŸ’ͺ.

If reading these positive web3 news raised your serotonin levels today, do us a favor and spread the positivity 😊. Forward this to your friends, family or colleagues and let them know that WAGMI. All it takes is a quick click of a button.

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